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Become a Member

member Benefits

You will be able to interact with others who share your interests and are focused on developing as an industry professional and improve the neighborhoods where we live and serve.
We are committed to the highest standards of professionalism, activism, and innovation.
Join today and start experiencing the benefits of membership with NBPRS-Detroit!
NBPRS-Detroit membership includes:

· • A forum for members to exchange ideas and experiences
· • Educational and professional development through workshops and seminars
· • Networking opportunities
· • Mentoring, information sources and referrals for internship and employment opportunities
· • Access to a talented pool of communications professionals for recruitment
· • Opportunities to get involved in growing and shaping the future of NBPRS-Detroit

Become A Member

Professional Membership: $50 – Applicant must be engaged in a full-time paid professional career of public relations, communications, or marketing. This should include, but not be limited to working for either private or public sectors in the following areas: media relations, public affairs, community affairs, publicity, public information, special events management and development, lobbying, and internal, employee and organizational communications. Also, professional membership is available to those engaged in the teaching or administering of public relations courses at an accredited college or university.

Associate Membership: $35 – Applicant must be engaged in a full-time paid career with some interest or association with professional public relations personnel. This should include, but not be limited to journalists, photographers, promotions, marketing and advertising personnel, promoters, and part-time public relations professionals.

Student Membership: $25 – Student applicant must be currently enrolled in public relations/communications and/or marketing program at an accredited college or university.

Membership Application Form
*Membership payments are accepted at any local NBPRS-Detroit meeting or event.
Complete the form below.

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